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Nebraska 4th Degree

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Mission: To foster the principle of Patriotism. We encourage active participation by exemplifying our love of country to all members, their families, church, and community.


A Message From District Master Mark Borytsky (PSD)

Dear Sir Knights and Brothers All,

Happy New Year! As we embark on 2025, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you. Your dedication, patriotism, and love for our church and community have been the driving force behind our success as Knights of Columbus.

Reflecting on 2024, a year marked by transformative strides. I am profoundly grateful for your invaluable contributions making this year a success. I would like to reveal the changes to our state that will allow us to better serve you as we work together for a more exciting and productive 2025:

1. Adding 4th Degree meetings at our three state business meetings: I want to thank our state deputy and officers for their support in adding this meeting to the agenda, it’s been a success.

2. Increased submissions of state forms and awards: Looking forward to an increase in the New Year.

3. Assigned Diocesan Marshal’s: We have five additional Marshal’s along with our district marshal who will support assemblies in and out of their diocese.

4. Exemplification Kits: We now have three Exemplification Kits for the state to utilize ensuring each diocese can have simultaneous Exemplifications.

5. Augmenting Exemplification Team with hosting Assembly SKs: Working with our state Exemplification Team Captain SK Shawn Wilkie we are now able to have, and have had, more Exemplifications in our state north, south, east, and west.

6. Updated Web Site: I am thrilled to announce we have an assigned Web Master Brother Mike Vaughn. Brother Mike, myself and Audrey Borytsky (administrator) collectively worked together to provide real time information for our assemblies with a touch of historical flare.

As we look forward to 2025, let us carry forward this momentum with renewed enthusiasm and ambition. Let’s bring our renewed energy into making this New Year both productive and fulfilling. The future holds exciting challenges and opportunities, and I am confident that together, we will continue to achieve greater heights in our assemblies and councils.

Wishing you and your families a joyful, prosperous, and Happy New Year!

God Bless,

Mark Borytsky, PSD

Nebraska District Master


Next Exemplification

The next Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Exemplification held in conjunction with a Charity, Unity and Fraternity Degree on March 30, 2025

  • Where: Norfolk
  • Location: Knights Hall
  • POC Assembly 606 Faithful Navigator Randall Pinkelman

Any questions please contact District Master at 402-212-9612. 



Upcoming Exemplifications

April 6, 2025 

  • Where: Gretna
  • Location: St Patrick Church Hall
  • POC: Assembly 2541

Any questions please contact District Master Mark Borytsky, PSD at 402-212-9612 .

April 13, 2025

  • Where: Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, 7880 West Denton Rd; Denton, NE 68339
  • When: Registration: 1:00 PM; Exemplification: 2:00 PM
  • POC: Assembly 3640


A Celebration of Catholic Patriotism

The Knights of Columbus celebrates the 125th anniversary of the Fourth Degree and the ideals of faithful citizenship. Click the link for more.


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