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ICC Instructions

The ICC Submission Forms have been updated!

Almost all of the Submission Forms are built directly into the website now. This means you can now fill out the report on the website and submit it directly to the State Program Director and the corresponding Activity Director. The only report that will still need to be downloaded and filled out the the Publicity Award Report.

Online Reports can be filled out, making sure that required information is completed before submission, and then submitted with a click of a button.

Reports do need to be completed in one sitting. There is not a "Save" option on these forms. If you close your web browser or shut down your computer before hitting the "Send" button, your information will be lost and you will need to start again.

After each successful submission you will be taken to a new page thanking you for completing the ICC Submission Form. The Grand Knight or Council Program Director (which ever email was entered on the ICC Submission Form) will also receive an email confirmation that the form has been submitted. The State Program Director and the other directors will also receive a notice that your form has been submitted.

These new forms also allow for the upload of files to support your submission. You are able to upload up to five (5) different files for each submission. Files can include pictures (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, etc.), Word Documents, PDF Files, and videos. Please take advantage of these upload options to provide the Directors and State Family with the best possible vision of your projects.

You will no longer need to email your submission to multiple individuals to ensure it has been submitted. You may, however, still want to forward a copy of your email confirmation to your District Deputy or Regional Growth Director for record keeping.

If you have any questions regarding the ICC Submission Forms, please feel free to reach out to us.

2024-2025 Keystone Projects

For the 2024 - 2025 Fraternal Year, councils have the opportunity to participate in "Keystone Projects" throughout the year. The Keystone Projects are projects that some of the State Directors have picked as projects that they would like to emphasis over the course of the year. The Keystone Projects are in 8 Program Areas across the 4 Pillars of the Knights of Columbus (Faith, Family, Life, and Community).

Councils that conduct, and report participation in, these Keystone Projects throughout the year are eligible to reduce their ICC Membership Quota (this will not reduce your Membership Quota for Star Council).

Councils that conduct and report 2 Keystone Projects will reduce their ICC Membership Quota by 10%, 4 Keystone Projects will reduce their ICC Membership Quota by 20%, 6 Keystone Projects will reduce their ICC Membership Quota by 30%, and completing all 8 Keystone Projects will reduce their ICC Membership Quota by 40%.

For example: A council that completes 6 Keystone Projects would need to achieve 45% of their Membership Quota for ICC Gold, 20% of their Membership Quota for ICC Silver, and for ICC Bronze - the council would only need to recruit 1 new member. The minimum requirement for ICC Membership Quota is +1 new member.

Below is a list of the ICC Keystone Projects for 2024-2025

  • Faith - Eucharistic Revival
  • Family - Family of the Month
  • Community - Coats for Kids
  • Life - ASAP
  • Youth - Free Throw Championship
  • Intellectual Disabilities - Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Evangelization & Faith Formation or Vocations - Knowing Jesus Christ through Scripture or Vocations Fair
  • Special Events - Picnic/Dinner for Clergy and Religious

If you have any questions regarding the Keystone Projects, please reach out to the State Program Director for more information.

Please Note for the ICC Tracker:

  • Membership is up to date as of March 1, 2025. Any new members since that time have not been added to this report.
  • Membership Quota/Status now takes into account completion of Key Stone Projects.
    • The reduction in ICC Membership Quota is automatically applied for the completion and submission of Key Stone Projects.
  • Reports coming from Supreme (185, 365, etc.) have been updated as of March 1, 2025.
  • Supreme Per Capita is updated as of the March 1, 2025 statements found on Officer's Online.
  • ICC Reports are up to date as of March 2, 2025 at 12:00 AM CST.
  • Completion of the Family of the Month Keystone Project is based on the submission of the Form #10784 to the Supreme Office.
    • Councils must complete and submit the form to Supreme by the 15th of the following month for credit.
    • Councils must complete 4 Family of the Month submissions from March 2024 to February 2025.
  • Completion of the Intellectual Disabilities Keystone Project is based on on the submission of Reports and Checks to the Intellectual Disabilities Foundation Directors.
    • A spreadsheet will be provided to the State Program Director following the the due date of The Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities Report.

All reports are now up to date for the March 1 deadline. Please make sure that you verify all of the reporting information so we can look into any discrepancies.

As a reminder, Membership for the ICC Program is calculated on April 1. This means that you have some time to increase your Membership Status for the ICC Program. Please reach out to the State Membership Director or State Program if you need assistance with a Recruitment Event for your Council.

If you find any discrepancies with this report and your records, please contact the State Program Director as soon as possible.

Due: September 1

  • Council Activity Planner

Due: March 1

  • Faith Major Activity
  • Family Major Activity
  • Community Major Activity
  • Life Major Activity
  • Columbian Award
  • Family of the Year
  • Knight of the Year
  • Rookie Knight of the Year
  • Leonard Feehan Memorial Community Service
  • On-Going Project
  • Special Project
  • Support of Catholic Education
  • Support of Vocations
  • Chaplain of the Year

Form 10784 - Fraternal Programs Report Form

Just a reminder, you are not required to submit the Form 10784 to the directors, but it is appreciated. The State Program Director receives a copy of the Form 10784 once you have completed the submission process on the Supreme Website.

If you need to access the Form 10784 to submit your Fraternal Programs click HERE (you will be taken to a new page on the Supreme Website). Once you have completed the information on the page that opens, you will receive an email with a link to the Form 10784. You will have 48 hours to complete the form. You may complete multiple Form 10784 submissions during that 48 hour period.

If you are submitting Form 10784 (Fraternal Programs Report Form) to directors, please use the email address found in the State Directory.