The Knights of Columbus remains firmly committed to defending the right to life of every human being, from the moment of conception to natural death. Please pray and stand up for life.
Pro-Life Prayer
Heavenly Father, source of all life, who desires not the death of Your children, but wishes that they may grow into the fulfillment of the personhood that You placed in them from the moment of conception. Shower Your blessings upon the unborn, protect them from all evil and bring them forth into the world to walk in Your ways.
Bestow Your particular love upon those privileged by motherhood that they may be supported at this most special time in their lives. Turn the hearts of the fathers toward You that they too may be filled with abundant grace.
I offer You my special prayer for all Your children, for my life itself, for all the blessings You have bestowed on me, and ask finally to be brought into Your presence when You see fit to end my earthly sojourn. Amen.
Supreme Life Programs
The Knights of Columbus vigorously defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life.
Supreme Featured Life Program(s)
State Life Programs
Pro Life Gala 2024

Spotlight on Life Newsletter
Click on the month/year below to access the Nebraska Spotlight on Life Newsletter.

2023 Nebraska Walk for Life
The 2023 Nebraska Walk for Life was held on January 28, 2023. Mass was held at St. Mary's Church in Lincoln and the walk began at the State Capitol.
Below are some pictures from the event.