The St. Joseph icons are traveling across Nebraska. Be prepared for when the icon reaches your council, and promote prayer services with the icon.
Icon Information & Schedule are available below.
The Icon of St. Joseph will begin or has already begun to travel our State. The Icon will be in each District for two weeks or less, traveling from District to District. The Icon for the eastern half will begin in District 26, then proceeding east, zig-zagging east and west while moving south. The District Deputies are to contact Ken Prokop via email (sprokop@live.com) or text (402-369-0471) when finished in their District. This is very important, we have to KNOW where the Icon is located at all times.
The Icon in the western part of the state will begin in District 24 and then proceed west. District Deputies are to contact PSD John Smith via email (jfsmith@nesb.net) or text (308-870-1443) when finished in their District.
Information can be found on the website at kofc.org/pilgrimicon to download a PDF along with other resources for the program.
Please keep in mind that THE PRAYER BOOKS THAT TRAVEL WITH THE ICON ARE TO REMAIN WITH THE ICON! The prayer cards are the only thing that can be handed out and kept. Please note the prayer books and the prayer cards are in English and Spanish, which can be found in the bag. Also, there is not an easel with the Icon.
Lastly, there is information with the Icon on how to report your prayer service when finished.
Wishing you success with your program.
Vivat Jesus,
John Smith, PSD
Ken Prokop, Community Director / RGD